UPVC Windows 101

Windows are openings in a wall, door, roof, or vehicle that allow the passage of light. Windows also allow the passage of air and sound sometimes. Modern-day windows are often glazed or covered in some other glossy, transparent, or translucent material. Various window designs allow ventilation when opened and exclude inclement weather when closed. Windows may or may not have a latch to lock the window shut or to hold it open. What are uPVC windows ? uPVC windows are those that have frames made from the uPVC material. uPVC is an abbreviation for the term unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. For the manufacturing process, the uPVC is heated to make it liquid and then injected into the frame moulds. Windows manufactured from uPVC material are cost-accessible and environment-friendly. This is due to the distinguishable property of uPVC material that it can be reused up to four times, after which, it starts to lose its strength. Benefits offered ● ...