6 Best Indoor Plants for City Homes

It used to be impossible to love gardening and live in a small apartment altogether. For those wishing to convert their living room into a makeshift greenhouse, the settings that are all too frequently dark, wet, or too dry are not the best. This need not be the case, though, as there are numerous plant species that are really well-suited to enduring and even thriving in less-than-tropical environments.

These indoor plants can survive anywhere with little care and water.

Snake plant

This succulent is highly resilient and can live in almost any setting. Although it will thrive in medium or bright light, the snake plant's tall, narrow leaves can endure low light. Water infrequently, letting the soil dry in between watering sessions. The ideal temperature range for indoor plant growth is between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Money plant

The well-liked money plant is renowned for bringing luck, positivity, and success to the neighbourhood. Money plants have a significant impact on financial well-being according to both Vastu and Feng Shui. By filtering the air and boosting oxygen flow, this air purifying plant is one of the greatest plants for energizing the home.

ZZ plant

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, often known as a ZZ plant, is one of the lowest alternatives available, so you'll be able to catch plenty of Zs if you invest in one. It doesn't need much light, just needs to be watered three times per month, and won't attract bugs or other pests.

Arrowhead plant

The beauty lies in its tricolour leaves, like that of other variegated plants.  You'll need to water it more frequently during the spring and summer because it needs its soil to be consistently moist. Never allow the soil to become fully dry. A weekly misting session would be helpful because it prefers dampness. It thrives best in bright indirect light, like the majority of houseplants, although it may also withstand dim light.

Jasmine plant

The jasmine plant is well-known for its wonderfully fragrant blossoms and is used as a groundcover, a trellis vine, and even an indoor houseplant. A lovely and aromatic indoor plant option, Jasmine thrives in cool, slightly wet soil when grown inside. For optimum health, place your plants in a south-facing window. Mealybugs can harm the plant's roots, so routinely inspect the soil for them and use neem oil to repel them.

Jade plant

With fleshy, oval-shaped leaves and strong, woody branches that resemble small tree trunks, the jade plant is a well-liked succulent houseplant. It can grow to be between 3 and 6 feet tall with a little amount of care, but it does so slowly - it gains just around 2 inches every year. The major reason to have this plant in your home is to bring luck. You may have noticed potted jades at Chinese eateries' entrances. For the same reasoning, you ought to put jade plants as close to your home's entryway as you can.


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